In memory of our darling Ant and Dada, the sun shines a little less brightly without you
To my dear brother Tony. Always in our hearts and never forgotten. Taken too soon but fought courageously until the end. Sleep tight Tony until we meet again and look after mum. Love you always Edie and Mark xxx
Dear Tony We fnd it so hard to believe that we will never see you again. Not a day will pass that you will not be in our thoughts and hearts. Larger than life character. Our great long chats, the parties we shared, so many memories with you. You were snatched too soon from us but you are at peace now not suffering anymore and out of pain and with our lovely mum. Sleep tight big brother until we meet again you will live on in our memories and in the love of music we shared and hear everyday. I will always remember the last day we shared together dancing and how handsome and dapper you looked in that beautiful blue suit. Love you always Edie and Mark xxxxx